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2nd February 2025
Sr. No Event Categories Participants Age Group (Years) Cut off
1 Marathon(42.195Km) International(All Foreigners) Men Open(18yrs and above) 6hrs
Amateur(Indian Professional Athlete) Men & Women Open(18yrs and above)
2 Half Marathon (21.097Km) International(All Foreigners) Women Open(18yrs and above) 3.30hrs
Amateur(Indian Professional Athlete) Men & Women Open(18yrs and above)
3 10 Km run Open Men & Women 14-30
4 5 Km (Timed Run) Men & Women 14-30
45 min
5 Fun Run Men & Women 12+ Open for all

  • Kindly assemble at the venue in your respective bays by 4.00am for Full marathon, Half Marathon and 10Km and 5Km respectively.
  • For the all races medicalexamination will be conducted before issuing bib Nos. Athletes are requested to get fitness certificate from the licensed practitioner.
  • The running number BIB is mandatory for participation on the race day. Thebib with number must be securely pinned on chest with pins
  • The bib number contains a chip, so pin the number without any folds orcuts.
  • Participants will take care of their own belongings.
  • Feeding and refreshment points will be set as per IAAF rules andregulations. Weather dependent-extra water points will also be provided.
  • You may carry your refreshments/water at the start. No athlete is allowed totake water from any non- designated points, she/he will be given a firstwarning and on the second offence shall be disqualified.
  • Medical aid is provided along route, if you feel any discomfort, please stopand seek medical aid.
  • Please ensure to cross the timing mat at the start point and other checkpoints, else your timing will not be recorded and placed.
  • Official timing will be the Chip time and this will determine your final placing.
  • Elite and national runners will line up in front followed by other racers.
  • Please note different races will be flagged off at different timings and theirstart times shall be recorded, accordingly. Please make sure to know yourstart time. If any athlete takes off before flag off time of her/his race, She/hewill be disqualified. (E.g.If 21.097Km participant takes off along with 42.195Km participant, they will be disqualified)
  • Your timing will also be recorded at designated check points, if no timing isrecorded, you will not be placed. So do ensure you run over the timing mat.
  • Toilets will be provided enroute.
  • Medical aid will be provided at start and finish.
  • All finishers will receive a finisher's medals at the finish line, if completed run as per cut off time.
  • Your official timing will be available online after two weeks of the race on our official website.
  • Winners in all categories should assemble in front of the stage after the racefor the prize distribution ceremony.
  • If there are many competitors in a particular category, male and female racesshall be flagged off separately.
  • The Organizer has the right to verify age of participants before, during andafter the race. Any exceptions to this must be authorized by the Organizer.
  • Entries will only be processed upon receipt of full payment of entry fee.
  • The Organizer reserves the right to contact and to interview applicants byphone or otherwise for additional information required for matters relating totheir applications.
  • Entry fees are non-refundable. The Organizer reserves the right to refuseentries for once the entry is accepted if any applicants who provide falseinformation, do not make the required payment, or fail to meet entryrequirements as stated in the entry form.
  • Should the event be cancelled due to circumstance beyond the control of theOrganizer (including the heavy rain, thunder storm or disaster, public rally),no refund of the entry fee will be made and the Organizer shall have no furtherresponsibility and/or liability thereafter.
  • Running is not a 'free risk' sport and therefore each runner must ensurehis/her health condition is fit before participating and during in the race. Eachrunner shall be responsible with his/her own health/condition.The Organizershall not be responsible for personal injury or death during or after the race asdirect result of gross negligence of the Organizer.
  • The Organizer reserves the right to disallow/ disqualify any person who isknown or suspected to be physically unfit to participate in the event. Should arunner get injured during the race, on case by case basis as recommended bymedical team as appointed by the Organizer to monitor the race, such runnermay be treated in hospital as designated by the Organizer with a treatmentcost not exceeding the amount agreed by the Organizer and the relevanthospital.
  • Timed Run Categories include: Full Marathon 42.195 Kms, Half Marathon21.097Kms, 10.00Kms and 5Km Timed run. Non Timed Run Categories include: Swacchata Fun Run, Pledge Run, Divyang Paralympics Run.
  • All Timed Runners who successfully finish the designated route, in therespective cut off times, will be eligible for Medals. Non Timed runners areeligible only for certificates.
  • Minimum 25 participants per category for prize money eligibility. If sufficient number of participants not available, Organizer reserves the right to merge with next suitable age category.
  • All decisions taken by Vadodara Marathon are final and binding.



  • Water Point and Feeding Point: 2.5km, 6 km, 8.5km,12.5 km, 14.5km, 18.5km,23km, 26,km, 29km, 32.8km,36km,39km and Finish Point (Water, Energy drink and Fruits like oranges and bananas)
  • Toilets: 8.5km,12.5km, 18.5km, 23km, 32.8km, 39km
  • Medical Points: 2.5km, 8.5km,12.5km, 18.5km,23km, 26Km, 32.8km (Physiotherapist, Ice pack and first Aid)
  • Sponging Points: 8.5km, 12.5km, 18.5km, 23km, 32.8km,39km
  • Shower: 32.8km


  • Water Point and Feeding Point: 2.5km, 6km, 8.5 km,12.5km, 14.5km,18.5km, Finish Point (Water, Energy drink and Fruits like oranges and bananas)
  • Toilets: 8.5km, 12.5km, 18.5km Finish point
  • Medical Points: 2.5km,8.5km, 12.5km, 18.5 km, Finish Point (Physiotherapist, Ice pack and first Aid)
  • Sponging Points: 8.5km, 12.5km, 17.5km


  • Water Point and Feeding Point: 2.5km, 6.5km Finish Point (Water, Energy drink and Fruits like oranges and bananas)
  • Toilets: 2.5 km,6.5km and Finish point
  • Medical Points: 6.5 km, Finish Point (Physiotherapist, Ice pack and first Aid)
  • Sponging Points: 3Km,6.5km, Finish point


  • Water Point and Feeding Point: 2.5km-Finish Point (Water, Energy drink and Fruits like oranges and bananas)
  • Toilets: 2.5 km, Finish point
  • Medical Points: 2.5 km, Finish Point (Physiotherapist, Ice pack and first Aid)
  • Sponging Points: 2.5km, Finish point

  • Start Line: • Hospital • Clock Room • Toilets • Enclosure for Photography • Banners for Each Bay (Front and Back) • Route Map Display • Chairs for Sr. Citizens
  • Finish Line: • Hospital with at least 4 Bed • Rest Room with Carpet • Prize Distribution Stage • Massage • Physiotherapist 15 • Medal Point• Judges Area(Chairs on Raised Platform)
  • Age on Race Day: The participation in the Vadodara International Marathon is strictly subject to the following age criteria. Please note the Age criteria for the race categories you apply for: Full Marathon - 42.195 Kms – All participating members must be 18 years or older as on 1 st Feb 2025. Half Marathon - 21.098Kms All participating members must be 18 years or older as on 1 st Feb 2025. For example- If participant is age of 30 yrs and 45 days , age of this person will be count as 30years only  as he has not completed 31yrs as of 1 st Feb 2025. For all other race categories: All participating members must be 14 years or older as on 1 st Feb 2025. Please Note: All minors (under 18) need consent of parents/guardian; the Consent Form must be submitted along with Registration Form.
  • Age Proof & Photo ID Proof: You will need to provide photocopy orscanned copy of a valid govt. issued age proof and photo id proof forcompleting your registration.
  • Medical Condition: All participating members must be physically fit asapproved by a certified medical practitioner. Even though you hold a validrunning number BIB, you may not be allowed to participate in the event ifany of our marshals or medical personnel feels you are not fit. In such anevent you will not be entitled to a refund of your registration fees.
  • Entry & Access: Only registered participants holding a valid runningnumber BIB will be allowed to enter the Event venue and take part in anyof the races. Individuals without a valid running number BIB will not beallowed on the course.
  • Parking: There are limited parking spots available on race day and thesewill be allotted to individuals on a first come first serve basis.
  • BIB Number (Chest Number): The running number BIB is mandatory foryour participation on the race day and will have to be personally collectedby you at the Marathon Expo, the details of which will be communicated toyou by email/SMS. In the event of your inability to collect your runningnumber BIB the same can be collected by your representative. Yourrepresentative has to carry your govt. issued photo id along with anauthorization letter duly signed by you, authorizing your representative tocollect your running number BIB on your behalf. Participants must bewearing the eligible Bib No. to qualify for prizes in respective racecategories.
  • Timing: For all timed runs, timing facility is available for all runnersparticipating in the event; it is your responsibility to make sure that youattach the timing chip correctly and to ensure that you follow the routecorrectly and pass over the timing mats located at strategic locationsacross the route. Please note that the timing is done electronically andthere is a chance that your timing may not get recorded due to a failure inthe chip, in such an event the organizers cannot be held responsible.Please note: NO Chip - NO Timing For the Fun Runs No timing facility willbe provided.
  • Certificates & Medals: All participants will be issued a certificate onlineonly. Certificates will be available only after 21 days of the eventcompletion. All Timed Runners who successfully finish the designatedroute, in the respective cut off times, will be eligible for Medals. NonTimed runners are eligible only for certificates.
  • Information & Updates: Information & updates will be sent via email and orSMS, it is your responsibility to provide your email and phone numberaccurately & legibly, further if you do not receive an email/SMS receipt ofyour form submission within 72 hours of your submitting your form, it isyour responsibility to call the event helpline and ensure that your email ID/ Phone Number has been captured accurately.

Prize Distribution:

  • At the end of the race, all members are requested to join at the Finish Point for the Felicitation and Prize Distribution ceremony.
    • In case of a tie, those teams will be declared as joint winners.

Postponement or Cancellation of Event:

  • In case of situations outside our control or in case of force majeure, Vadodara Marathon reserves the right to postpone or cancel the event.
  • While all attempts will be made to contact the Team Coordinator, Vadodara Marathon is not liable for the same.
  • In case of postponement of the event, the team is automatically eligible to participate at the later date. Vadodara Marathon will inform the teams of the new date for the event, at the earliest.
  • In case of cancellation of the event, or in case the team cannot participate on the new date of the event, Vadodara Marathon will not give a refund. The team will forfeit the amount paid as Registration fees.

All decisions taken by Vadodara Marathon are final and binding.

For any further information and assistance, please contact :
Pawan Rai:

You can also visit Vadodara Marathon:

Vadodara Marathon owns the information collected via the Website. As applicable, the information you provide to us may be used to contact you about the Website and Website related news; monitor and improve the Website; provide special offers to you from us and/or our respective affiliates, subsidiaries and other third parties; inform you of prizes you may have won or send promotional material on behalf of our partners.

You expressly understand and agree that: In order to run a Vadodara Marathon event runners agree the following disclaimer and to the Terms & Conditions: “I declare I will abide by the age limits set for the event and will abide by the laws and rules of Vadodara Marathon. I declare that I will not compete in the race unless I am medically fit on the day of the race and that, in any event, I will compete at my own risk. I accept that the organisers, sponsors, partners, marshals will not be liable for any loss, damage, action, claim, costs or expenses, which may arise in consequence of my participation of the event. I also hereby give my permission to Vadodara Marathon to use my name, quotes, video and photographic likeness for marketing and promotional purposes. I also understand that entry fees are non-refundable. I agree to the terms and conditions before I will run any Vadodara Marathon Event.

Applicants must thoroughly read the mandated :

Application Guidelines :

  • Please thoroughly go through all information mentioned in this form prior to submitting your application. Registration confirmation received will be subject to applicable confirmation criteria and the entry rules given herein.
  • An applicant can apply for only one race categories – Marathon, Half Marathon, 10K, 5k, fun Run and DIVYANG RUN; multiple applications will entail all entries not being confirmed. Further, an applicant must apply for the event using a single email address.
  • An applicant will be confirmed, subject to fulfilling conditions mentioned herein and confirmation qualification criteria (where applicable), only for the race category he/she has applied for.
  • Applicants can register only via online using this registration link and paying applicable entry fees based on race category opted for. No individual/group has been authorized to collect entries on behalf of the event promoter
  • Once you successfully submit your online application, details in your online profile cannot be changed/edited by you. For any corrections, please email at
  • On entry confirmation, Marathon, Half Marathon, 10km, 5km runners will be further classified into age categories for awards and accolades. For more information go to our registration page.

Application status :

  • An applicant’s application status can be viewed on the event website within 7 working days of registration. If you are unable to check application status online, please contact our event helpline number +91-(9377538392)

Entry Rejection and Refund Policy :

  • Once applied, no requests for refund application fees will be entertained, under any circumstances.
  • Application fees shall not be refunded by virtue of non-participation, including failure by a confirmed participant to collect his/her bib from the Expo or not allowed to run on the race day due to high temperature or being unwell.

Entry Deferment Policy :

  • Only in the case of the MGVM 2025 event is cancelled for reasons whatever, would your entry at the MGVM 2025 be carried forward, in the same race category, to the subsequently conducted edition of the MG VADODARA MARATHON. No additional entry fees will be charged to such participants. Qualification criteria set for the next edition shall however apply.
  • In the case where participation in specific race categories needs to be reduced in view of any Government issued protocols, the rule of last-in-first-out will be applied. Such participants who do not get final conformations can defer their entry in the same race category to the next conducted edition of MG VADODARA MARATHON. No additional entry fees will be charged to such participants. Qualification criteria set for the next edition shall however apply.

Other Important Points :

  • Notwithstanding anything mentioned herein, top-up donations, where made at the time of applying for the event, will not be refunded under any circumstance of whatsoever nature.
  • The right to participate in the event and the rights and benefits available to the applicant under this entry form are at the sole discretion of PIPL, and cannot be transferred to any other person under any circumstances. The applicant alone shall be entitled to the rights and benefits arising out of such confirmation of participation.
  • Confirmed runner’s identity and proof of residence may be verified by a verification agency hired for validating the details provided by you in the form. Where any information and/or any document provided by an applicant/runner at any point in time is found to be incorrect, participation of the said runner shall be withheld/disqualified and there will be no refund of application fees paid by the runner. All benefits accruing to the said runner as a participant of MG VADODARA MARATHON 2025 shall stand forfeited.
  • Race day images of all participants will be screened visually after the race and if any of the participants is found not wearing the running number bib allotted to him/her, the participant registered for that bib will be disqualified from the race and the subsequent edition of the event in 2026. Further, Vadodara Marathon reserves the right to take necessary legal action against the registered participant and the person who has used the running number bib on race day, for impersonation.
  • Any race day audio, video, or visual recordings made by a participant at the MGVM 20235 Expo or on race day are to be used only for personal purposes; these cannot be used for any commercial purpose. MGVM 2025 photographs of runners will be available for sale and download on the event website 48 hours post closing hours of race day.

Event Promoter reserves the right to amend or alter the terms of the MG VADODARA MARATHON at any point in time without any notice.

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